If you’d like to learn healthy eating habits for the rest of your life so you can reach your goals,
email me if you’d like details for the exclusive nutrition services I offer powered by Pn ProCoach.
Precision Nutrition is the world leader in nutrition education for professionals. I have partnered with Precision Nutrition to deliver a 12-month curriculum, divided into 2 week habit blocks. The cool part? I’ll actually be leading the process as your coach!
Every day I send you a lesson to read and a ‘habit’ to do. Every week we talk about progress (whether it be actual weight or other indicators). Every two weeks you will get a new habit to practice.
Best of all: Online nutrition coaching now also includes a workout option!!! That means, on top of daily habits also a super flexible daily workout – active recovery included – that can be done at home, in the gym, and even includes a shortened version when time is of the essence!
This program is for people who are struggling with nutrition, consistency, applying their knowledge or just simply have no idea where to start. Rather than pushing an all or nothing approach, I focus on small and easy steps, applied consistently and built over time. We break down goals into skills, and those skills into daily habits. It is a moderate approach, based in change psychology. There is no calorie counting, banned foods or radical food dogma. The cornerstone of the program is education, reflection and practice.
Helping people reach their goals is my passion. Let’s do this together!
because I love helping people…be healthier… be more fit… be more confident
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